Monday, May 26, 2008

Digging Dog!

What a lovely holiday weekend it was...finally warm and sunny and some periods of soaking rain late at night to give us gardeners a helping hand! Fiona did her own version of helping by following me all around the yard this weekend. As I painstakingly direct sowed some seeds she offerred her assistance by digging up what I so carefully layed out just moments after I labeled it and moved on to the next bed. Hence I had to toss the disrupted soil back in it's place but who the heck knows where the seeds ended up. Sigh. So I guess it will be a surprise garden this year with things popping up any old place. Next time I pass a neighbors garden and question the placement of flowers or the coordination of colors perhaps I should see what type of dog they have before passing judgement!


  1. first off - fiona is such a gorgeous dog. is caelen and dugan
    yours too and are they irish setter? beautiful pooches.

  2. Good luck with the garden - my setter has a serious jones for socks and likes to bury her "treasures" in the back yard. However, she's not the best at completely burying her treasures so my yard looks like its sprouting socks. (fyi - about 2 dozen individual socks if my count of our socks without partners is correct)
