Thursday, June 26, 2008

Inter-species love

Our new kitten rescue Sully is adapting well to life in the Lucky Fiona household. In fact as far as cats go we are pretty sure that Sully thinks he's a dog. We've heard Siamese cats are very responsive and can walk on a leash and play fetch etc. So pretty fun stuff to think about and train in the future. But Sully not only does dog-like behavior he also seems to love his fellow canine more than the average feline. We have 2 other cats and they get along famously with the dogs, but Sully...well Sully takes it to a whole new level. He nuzzles the dog's snouts, curls up next to them, walks on their backs, sticks his head in their food bowl as they eat. The wonderful thing is they seem more tolerant of him than our other kitties, even in his kitten-like "let-me-play-with-your-tail" phase. We look forward to falling in love a little bit more every day with our Sully and seeing if someday a little dog will pop out of a Siamese costume!

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