Wednesday, December 8, 2010

First Snow for Pogue

*A personal and up close first dog account of experiencing snow for the first time.

"Ummmm, what the...ummmm, I'm confused. This is different. This white stuff is everywhere. I don't know what to do. Ummmm, anybody? I'm going to just sit. Yes, that's it. Sit. Sitting is my default reaction to not knowing what to do so I'm just going to ummmmm, sit here and figure it out. Yup."

(4 minutes pass)

"Hold the phone! This white stuff is in a bowl so it must mean I can eat it! That's it! EAT ALL THE SNOW! This is awesome! I'm going to eat it and eat some more and wait...more is falling! I'll eat that too! In the air! As it falls! This is incredible! Stuff I can eat in the yard that DogDom & DogDad are not giving me "No" or "Drop it" hand signals for! What a lucky day! This is incredible, but enough chit-chat, back to eating snow! Yahoooo!"

(10 minutes pass)

"Holy can run in this stuff! Lily showed me how and the next thing I knew we were running and sliding in snow and oh my gosh, there wasn't even time to eat any we were having so much fun!

Then I said to Lily "Hey - wouldn't it be fun to take DogMom's couch blanket through the doggie door and play with it in the snow!!!" Lily said "No, no, that would be wrong and I'm not comfortable with the idea." But I was all like "Don't be such a fraidy-cat Lily! I'm doing it!" Plus it was so cool to whip it around and it made a great tug-o-war toy and really all it was doing was just draping over the arm of a couch serving no purpose whatsoever. Obviously this is a snow toy that we simply were waiting for snow to play with. Yippee! I love snow."