Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sully's In the Inbox...Your Questions Answered

Dear Sully,
I want to order a Lucky Fiona Custom Collar but I don't know if my dog will be a medium or a large size. His neck size is kind of in between both sizes. What do I do?
- Perplexed in Poughkeepsie
Dear P.P.,
First off thank you so much for complimenting me on my gorgeous coat and beautiful piercing blue eyes. I know I'm so handsome it can be distracting, it's a curse us Siamese have to live with. In the sunlight my coat sometimes looks the color of cocoa powder... and I am just as sweet...purr.
What? Collar size? Oh, right. Every Lucky Fiona collar is custom made to order so we will make it according to your dog's neck size so don't get so hung up on picking a size from the guide, it's just a guide. Now back to my whiskers, do you see how long they are?

Send your questions about well...anything to Sully at
If we pick your question for this new weekly feature Lucky Fiona will donate $5 to an animal charity of your choosing in your pet's name.

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