Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Dog is Cuter than Your Dog

I know a Dogmom's love is blind, but still I have to admit my dogs and cats just may be the most adorable things I have ever seen. I was pleased as punch the other day to be at a client's home and while visiting with her she stopped off topic/mid-sentence to say "Oh my gosh -look at how cute you are Gracie!" in reference to her too-sweet-for-words Great Dane. I can't tell you what a relief this was to know others in the world just stop what they are doing for no particular reason and ogle at their dog.
I've done it while gardening, writing bills, cleaning, cooking and occasionally after cleaning up after them. (this seems to be when they really amp up the cuteness and tilt their heads as if to say "Look at how adorable I am! Now finish cleaning my vomit from garbage eating...but remember...I'm CUTE!"
I can't help it. I am vexed. Sure I see other's animal companions and they are gorgeous, but secretly I think mine are more gorgeously gorgeous. I know I'm not alone.
I mean look at Fiona's face...c'mon.

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