Monday, June 13, 2011

* New Feature* The Man Behind the Bitch

* Behind every awesome DogMom or DogDad is a kind, compassionate and ready-to-clean-up-the-dog-vomit partner. Once a month we will feature that special person whom you couldn't imagine not having by your side as you share your lives with four pawed pals. Know somebody that fits the bill? Tell us about them! You can win a free Head Bitch tee shirt! Email:

Zac performing spa duties this past weekend.

This Month's Man Behind the Bitch ~
Zac Crickenberger

What really makes a lady swoon? A man who freely and openly loves dogs and will do anything for them. A man who will make sure an "I live in a Southern Climate" basset hound doesn't get their paws cold in a freak  snowstorm. A man who will carry a not so nimble pooch up a steep flight of steps or kiss a dog full on the lips in front of his own human brothers. Talk about a catch. Let's talk about Zac!
Zac likes to make out with hounds.
Zac is 24 years old and married to long time Lucky Fiona fan Leslie. When first married in June of 2007 the happy couple had just 4 pooches, but big hearts for dogs in need soon added to their brood. The dog lovin' couple reside in the great state of Georgia with at any time 8 to 10 to something like 256 dogs. (just kidding,it's somewhere around 10) Leslie and Zac are rescuers who work very closely with the good folks at Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia . Their happy home is filled with golden retrievers, hounds of course and a wiley dachshund named Kirby. Most of the clan are permanent residents and some fosters, but all are loved equally. 
By day Zac is ironically a postal carrier which is traditionally a career choice where one fears dogs. Not this Southern Gentleman, he's all about the pups. Leslie reports she often swoons when Zac cuddles with failed foster attempt Mr. B and Zac literally drapes the dog over him for the simple reason it makes B very happy. 
Zac as a human Lucky Fiona Collar Rack. 
A guy who rescues and loves dogs with every ounce of his being? That's Zac. We thank Leslie for nominating him and we are proud to say Zac is one AWESOME "Man Behind the Bitch"

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