Friday, March 28, 2008

This Week's Friend of Fiona is...

Fiona has poured over the pictures, she has spent many a sleepless night contemplating, she has balanced all the factors...and this week's Official Friend of Fiona is...


Let's face it, there are not many things cuter than a floppy eared boxer and Daisy is just about the cutest floppy eared boxer we have ever seen. Look how adorable her pink Cherry Jubillee collar looks on her with her smoochy-poochy snout? Don't you just want to smoosh those gorgeous jowls of hers? Congrats Daisy - pick any collar out of our shop as your reward for being the Official F.O.F. this week. (if your boxer paw can't work the mouse on the computer have your Dogmom help you email us with your choice)

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