Monday, September 8, 2008

There is nothing sexier than a man that loves animals...

Many women I know have found the perfect soul mate. Some are still searching. I offer a foolproof way to see if he the real deal... see how he is with animals. I'm not impressed by money or nice cars or designer suits. But give me a man that kisses a dog full on the lips and I start to pant a little bit myself. A man that talks baby talk to the cat when he thinks nobody is watching? I literally swoon. I knew at the ripe age of 17 my now-husband was a keeper by the way he had full conversations with his mutt Freckles. He actually altered his voice to speak Freckle's parts which was so charming and probably part of some deviant teenage plan to win me over and have sex with me. (in the event his Mom is reading this - I'm just kidding!) Regardless it worked. He also loved his cat Fuzzy...which he named by the way. When you hear about a cat named Fuzzy you picture a sweet, well, Fuzzy little kitty. God rest his soul, Fuzzy was not a cute nor friendly cat in my recollection. He was large, brownish, not particularly fuzzy and had a creepy cataract that gave him the appearance of a character in a Stephen King novel. To put it frankly, he was frightening. Fuzzy liked to attack and heaven forbid you try to sit on a chair or couch or in the proximity thereof where he was lounging. My sister-in-law likes to tell the story of how she feared walking down the hallway in the morning because Fuzzy would attack her on the way to the bathroom. I actually would carry a broom with me for protection when I was near dearest Fuzzy. But to hear my husband talk about this cat he was the world's most friendly, amazing and loving cat. It makes me adore my husband even more for loving that damn cat. Fuzzy lived for almost 20 years, but for many with emotional scars from his behavior he will live forever in the fearful portion of our hearts.
I was talking with a good friend over the weekend and inevitably the subject of our pets comes up. My pal started telling me how her fiancee composes and sings little songs about their new puppy all the time. Most of them nonsensical but to his credit they rhyme. I already had a high opinion of her soon-to-be-groom and think my friend has made a wonderful choice. He is devilishly handsome, kind, intelligent and has a wry sense of humor. But hearing how he sings to the puppy gave me a whole different view of him! His stock rose immediately, the fact he is silly with the dog is one of the most sexy things I'd ever heard. I may have to grab him for a slow dance at the wedding.
Conversely, I think of another friend whom I had a falling out with last year. The friendship soured and turned toxic as friendships sometimes do, but centered around her husband and his bizarre behavior. Her husband was one of those guys that nobody could stand to be around, not surprisingly he didn't like animals, was very callous and cruel towards them. I could never grasp how she could have married him, she was a big animal lover and advocate, even made animals her career. It just seemed such an odd fit. Feeling as I do for animals I don't think I could spend my life with somebody that didn't have the capacity to love an animal in the way I do.
So single women out there listen up...E-Harmony is not the answer with their 36 question screening to find your perfect match. You just need to get an adorable dog and sit in the park and see how eligible men react. All the answers are there! He doesn't mind the dog slobber on his pants and calls your pooch a roly-poly-guacamole? Start looking for wedding bands.


  1. I agree--a man absolutely must love animals to be husband material!

    I was thoroughly impressed with my boyfriend of two months when we were watching a movie and the dogs started fussing to go outside. Without any prompting, he asked, "Should I let them out?" and immediately got up and took care of them. He's always willing to help with them. Once, he was letting out my old dog and accidentally stepped in her diarrhea (she didn't make it outside). He didn't say a word--just got to work and cleaned the mess up. That's a keeper!

  2. Loving animals is definitely the first quality a man has to have to get anywhere with me! Sometimes the other qualities aren't quite the right match (as with my last boyfriend: he does love animals, talked in a special "Dannan" voice with my dog, and missed Dannan much more than he ever missed me!, but the rest just didn't work).

    But if that willing-to-be-silly with an animal isn't there, along with complete understanding of why I can't go out on Halloween because Dannan is afraid of fireworks... then it's bye, have a good life! (Although how he could without knowing the love of animals, I'll never know!)
