Friday, February 13, 2015

Love Match - Abbott & Crickett

Beatrix could tell you all about how Abbott and Cricket are meant to be. With deeply expressive brown eyes in common as their best features and their shared love of snuggling it would be easy to see why they are a perfect match. 
But shit is about to get real around here says Beatrix. 
And by shit she means that Abbott and Crickett sometimes like to snack on it...which makes them a truly perfect match. Now don't get all judgy dog folks. Coprophagia is real and these two plan to make it their platform as part of their romance. They will travel around talking about this very real dog stigma that is totally normal in the dog world but somehow repulsive to us humans. That's right. These two love birds eat the occasional poo and they will not hide it to a cruel world that doesn't understand! So open the conversation in your own home today'd be surprised how many dogs share in this habit!  

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